
Managing Your Electronics & Batteries Program with Diversys

As an electronics or battery recycler, you face a host of unique challenges: from collecting used electronics (such as small/large home appliances, power tools, exercise equipment, etc.) and batteries within your jurisdiction to transporting materials to a processing facility, from managing relations with your participants to preventing fraud, from compiling detailed reports for your stakeholders to ensuring you hit your recovery targets on time.


Fortunately, managing your electronics recycling program is easy with Diversys. 


Check out how Diversys works with electronics, whether for tracking in-field collection activity or from the administrator perspective.


Check out how Diversys works with electronics, whether for tracking in-field collection activity or from the administrator perspective.

Use Diversys to:

Track the work of your electronics and batteries recycling participants digitally so you know what’s happening in the field at any given time and track materials as they move through the recycling process 

Easily generate timely, accurate reports for key stakeholders (e.g., producers, legislators, auditors, etc.)

Know where you are against your recovery targets and goals at any time with real-time key metrics – visually shown to you on a customizable dashboard – so you have ample time for any needed course corrections (to ensure targets are met and fines are avoided) 

Automate your everyday operations, from in-the-field recycling activities (such as electronic material or battery pick-ups and drop-offs) to office tasks (such as claims  and program performance analysis), and improve the speed and quality of communication between you and your participants

Manage your relationship with your participants best  with features such as geo-tagging for location verification and safeguards that protect against security threats, fraud, and error 

Automatically calculate incentive pay-outs, using different rates for different geographies, zones, or participants

Run your electronics and battery recycling business like never before with Diversys – a platform that supports your unique work. 

Ready to get started?

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